Dream Meets Reality

01/12/2004 - 1:11 a.m.

Music : Under Pressure by Queen

Mood : Creative

Random Proclamations from Me, Myself, and I : I make progress every day

Ezekial Wright- an intro

Hey, this is a short character fiction I wrote. Any feedback- good, bad, what was I thinking?

An Introduction to Death

He sat. It might not have been the most exciting occupation of his time, but Ezekial found that sitting brought out the best of his moods. It was commonplace: just another old man sitting on the park bench, alone as usual, but Ezekial didn�t mind. Rather he reveled in his ability to watch the people and imagine what their lives might contain. Mr. Ezekial Wright was a remnant of an older gentleman class; long since forgotten except for this one quixotic man. Every day Ezekial pulled out his fading brass pocket watch at which he stared for a good minute before putting away, a little sadder than before. To a passerby this seemed a common ritual for a lonely old man to pass the time, but what they didn�t realize, nor could possibly know; Mr. Wright was waiting. He slowly became a common addition to a bustling walk of businessmen and college students. Stories were created in his defense, and a myth started up around his existence. None of the fictitious lives ever rang true, but it became a ritual passed along to come up with a story regarding the old man. As filled with adventure as they were, these lives all seemed to be one step above the life he actually held. You see, he had once held the life of a happy journalist where he would cover the local scandals with zeal and prestige, never taking advantage or misusing the facts; unfortunately life had caught up with his joy. In a matter of three years, from the age of seventy-eight to eighty-one, he was robbed of his job, his friends, and lastly his wife Miss Madeline. So, day in and out, Ezekial would sit on that same park bench staring at his pocket watch, waiting. Some believed he was waiting for someone to say hello to a lonely old man- however none of these people actually stopped to offer this simple greeting, a few romantics believed he was waiting for his love to pass the time away with, and others believed he was not waiting at all but rather just watching. It is true that Mr. Ezekial Wright was waiting, but rather than waiting for his next adventure in life he sat there awaiting his first adventure in death. For what else is a man of such loss to do with his time, if not await his friends once more.

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"When it was over, all I could think about was how this entire notion of oneself, what we are, is just this logical structure, a place to momentarily house all the abstractions. It was a time to become conscious, to give form and coherence to the mystery, and I had been a part of that. It was a gift. Life was raging all around me and every moment was magical. I loved all the people, dealing with all the contradictory impulses - that's what I loved the most, connecting with the people. Looking back, that's all that really mattered."

-Waking Life

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